August 10, 2010

Inverted Pyramid and Writing Online

Sharing information and tips to increase earnings. Increase your passive, residual income. Make money faster than greased lightening. If you love writing for Examiner, Ehow, Bukisa, Hub, Squidoo, share your stuff here! Guest bloggers welcome!

Today, it occurred to me that many writers of How To's, Examiner or articles may unconsciously use this method. If you are not familiar with this concept, watch the video below and check to see if you are employing this principle when you write. When writing online the shape of the article can be strengthened by placement of information and focusing on the readers needs.

Enjoy the video and then give it a practice whirl with I am not an affiliate - Just found it on the net for your benefit. Or try rewriting one of your older articles and vamp it up for another site! Double your writing dollars!

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