September 9, 2010

SearchBliss - Check Backlinks

As a writer I am always checking out new tools. I just found a new backlink checker that is FAST and simple. It does not list all the sites you are backlinked to - but it does give total and in just seconds. I do not claim that this is the best.  BUT it was EASY and FAST. 

I used it to compare two of the blogs that I update frequently. The blog that is updated every single day has 3x the backlinks as its cousin blog. My Foreclosures, Evictions and You blog has about 1500 backlinks compared to this writing blog which has about 550.

Time to get to work increasing my exposure. Meanwhile if you are wanting to increase backlinks there are several techniques, methods and many programs you can purchase to help with that. Maybe one of my esteemed guest bloggers will update us on increasing backlinks.

SearchBliss - Check Backlinks:

"Check Backlinks
Link popularity is one of the best ways to quantifiably check backlinks and independently measure your website's online awareness. Check your website's backlinks and overall visibility on Google, Yahoo, and more.

Enter your URL:

Access code: FYQ
Enter access code above:�(ALL CAPS)"

1 comment:

College Advice Blog said...


I checked this out and it's pretty awesome. I actually took a look at the backlinks I have for my blog and I found one backlink that featured my blog and I didn't even know! Pretty cool stuff, thanks Darla!