May 13, 2013

Squidoo Alternatives and 4 website reviews

Squidoo Alternatives is written by Adragast 

The recent turmoil with Squidoo locking lenses has brought many people to ask me for websites alternatives, so I thought I would write a post about it. Alrady kindly invited me to post here so it was the perfect occasion to do so (I originally posted it on Squidoo but it got a warning after just a half day).

To make things clear, I do not think that leaving Squidoo is a good thing. I know we are upset, angry and frustrated about everything that is happening but making money online is not about feelings. You are your own boss but as a boss you have to play it smart and see things in the long run. Squidoo is doing fine now and will do even better when the low-content lenses are locked, even if this means sacrificing 5% of real high-quality lenses. And the filter may improve in the future.

However, this shows one more time that you should not put all your eggs in the same basket. I know it seems easy to say now, but I had warned about it already some time ago and made it my principle since I started writing online. I now regularly write for 4 websites other than Squidoo and this is a nice safety net.

Here are the sites I write for:
  • Zujava: similar to Squidoo with Tier earnings, Amazon modules, etc... The ads revenue is low compared to Squidoo BUT your Amazon share is 60% instead of 50% if you write 25 leaves or more. In my opinion, this site is best for Amazon-focused articles.
  • InfoBarrel: great community, a lot of help between each other in the forum. No tier system, you are paid according to the revenue made through the ads. You can use your own Adsense account OR InfoBarrel's Adsense account (then IB is paying you directly). You need your own Amazon account though. This site is best for informational articles and single product review. You are limited to 1 product every 200 words, so a "shopping list"-type of article would not do great there
  • Seekyt: an interesting site too. You need your own Adsense account and your own Amazon account. The site is optimized for ads, ie readers will have a higher tendency to click on them than on other sites (improve Adsense revenue). The Amazon module is on the right though, so I generally do things manually (add a picture of the product and link to it with my affiliates link). This site is best for short 400-500 word articles in my opinion.
  • Bubblews: this site pays per view, like and comment. You can use it as a backlink site similar to lensroll (except it pays you to do it). I personally use it as a paying Facebook. I make friends, interact with others and only backlink when I feel it. My connections there are precious and I don't want to annoy them by spaming links only. Good money but maybe too good. I cannot see how they can pay so much (I am making more than $25 a month with only 500-600 character posts, not words, characters). I, for sure, would not put all my eggs in this basket.
I am active on all these sites and would be happy to help you on any of them. Don't hesitate if you have questions about them.

Thanks to Alrady to let me post on this blog and don't hesitate to give me some feedback.


Alrady said...

I love your post - it is so informative and I like to see why you recommend each site. Squidoo hoopla will pass and I think your advice is spot on! THANKS so much for you contribution!

Alrady said...

The author of this piece is a man of mystery - who has finally revealed himself.

Make sure to leave a thank you and if you are trying any of these sites - make sure to share your experience too!

Have a great week EVERYONE!

Angela(SheGetsCreative) said...

Bubblews is my new favorite at the moment.(shewanders)

Unknown said...

Has anyone tried There is a lot going on over there.

Alrady said...

Angela I have to agree with your statement. Aside from Examiner this is the best place I have found to earn . : )

Alrady said...

Adragast have to thank you. I have been able to pick up a quite a few dollars on Bubblews. YOU ROCK and I loved your suggestions for alternatives for writing sites.